Sometimes, The Lord Saves The Best For Last

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 , , , 0 Comments

Jesus said in John 10.30, "I and the Father are one".

The Lord Jesus is exactly like the Father. He is the full icon of the Father.

Hebrews 1.3, "thus the things He did are indicative of the Father's character.

For Him to have chosen to bring out the best wine at the end rather than at the beginning of middle of the ceremony is very instructive.

(...Everyone else serves the best wine first, and after the guests have drunk a lot he serves the ordinary wine. But you have kept the best wine until now! John 2.10)

This tells us that sometimes, our Lord could reserve the best for last.

Now let's bring this home, the Lord could choose to reserve the blessings and impartation of the Spirit you're meant to receive during a church service till the end of the meeting. Mostly in our various churches, there are 2 groups of people. The first group is those who hardly wait for the service to end before they're gone. As soon as the pastor is done, they're gone, always in a hurry.

The second group of people will come early and stay through till the end of the service. The Word that someone in the first group needs to change his situation may sometimes come right at the end of the service, but he's may be already gone, hence misses his hour of visitation.

You must learn to wait until the service closes when you in to church. The Lord may not always do things the way we expect Him to. It pays to be patient, it's better to discipline yourself to stay in the presence of God, and never be in a hurry to leave, for that's just what your anticipated Word of blessing and miracle may come to you.

Patient is all you need, be at the right place at the right time. That way, you'll never miss out on God's best for you, for He sometimes saves the best for last.