Appetite, Attitude, Aim.

Sunday, March 14, 2010 , , , , 0 Comments

As newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby... -1 Peter 2.2

When it comes to Bible reading, Dr. Howard Hendricks point out three things we must constantly be aware of:

1. Attitude:- Just as a baby grabs for a bottle, we should reach for our Bible. A baby needs milk to sustain its life physically, and we need the scriptures to sustain us spiritually.

2. Our Appetite:- We should 'long' for God's word. This is a cultivated taste. When one says, I'm not getting much out of the Bible, that's a greater commentary on them, than on the Book! Psalms 19.10 says the scriptures 'are sweeter than honey' (NIV).

3. Aim:- The aim of Bible reading is 'that you may grow.' You can't grow unless you know, but unfortunately you can know and not grow. The Bible wasn't written to satisfy our curiosity, but to help conform us to Christ's image. Not to make us smarter, but to make us more like the Saviour. Not to fill our heads with biblical facts, but to transform our lives.

Further studies
>Luke 20.9-19
>Psalms 112
>Proverbs 20:1-4
Let your Bible be your companion always.