The Meaning Of Christian Love

There were three words for love in the Greek language of the New Testament times. One of the words spoke of sensual love (the love between sweethearts). Another spoke of affection for others (a natural affection for one's friends). But the word used in 1 Corinthians 13 was not found in Greek secular literature. The word for "love" used here (agape) means the love that God sheds abroad in the heart of his children by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). The word is translated "charity" in the KJV.
Agape love is the highest and holiest type of love that any person can ever know, and the Bible describes this higher kind of love by using an entire chapter. We want to note the supremacy, the character, and the durability of love, as we analyse the passage in 1 Corinthians 13.
The supremacy of love (verses 1-3)
Love is greater and its constrasted with some of life’s most valued treasures.
Love is contrasted with eloquence
“though I speak with the tongues of men and angels”. Being able to persuad people with words. Everyone has heard of eloquent speakers, if these people speaks without love, it amount to nothing. This makes agape love greater than eloquent speaking.
Love is contrasted with prophecy
“And though I have the gift of prophecy”. Prophecy is to foretell the future and the truth of god. If we do this without love, it is to no avail.
Love is contrasted with understanding mysteries
“and though you understand all mysteries”. The Holy Bible speaks of a number of mysteries. If one claims to understand all these mysteries, without love, he has failed.
Love is contrasted with knowledge
“and though I have all knowledge”. There are many schools in the world today than ever before, yet we don’t know much. The three most –used words in the English language are still the words. “I don’t know. Suppose you know, could read many of the language that are spoken today – still, love is far greater than suck knowledge.
Love is contrasted with Faith
“and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing”. Even our faith can be a cutting and hurting thing. To imply in a kind of sarcastic way that we have an inner strength that help us along – and that most Christians do not have such help – may indicate that we have faith, but it is held without love.
Love is contrasted with charity
“though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor”. Charity is good-will and benevolence to the poor and suffering. A person can be charitable and still not have love, and thus charity is not the greatest thing in the world.
Love is contracted with sacrifice
“though I give my body to be burned”. Many of our forefathers sacrificed greatly. Some were tired to the stake, others were covered with oil and pitch and burned alive. These were great sacrifice but agape love is still greater.
The exercise of faith so great to move mountains, the voice of eloquence and all the prophecies – may seem great to us – but are nothing when contrasted with real Christian love. Unless exercise in love, they are only so much noise and activity and excitement.
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