Jesus The Saviour

Sunday, January 24, 2010 , , , , , , 0 Comments

For whom was all the suffering undergone, which Jesus endured at Calvary? For whom where those hands and feet nailed to the cross? For whom did the precious blood flow so freely down? Wherefore was all this done? It was done for you! It was done for the sinful – for the ungodly. It was done freely, voluntarily – not compulsion – out of love for sinners, and to make atonement for sin. As Christ died for the ungodly, I have a right to proclaim that any one may be saved.

Anyone may be saved because Christ still lives. He lives to receive all who come unto God by Him, to give power to become the son’s God. He lives to hear the confession of every heavy – laden conscience.

He lives to be one Mediator between God and man, the kind shepherd, the never-failing Priest and friend of all who come to God by Him. He lives to be wisdom, righteousness, and redemption to all His people – to keep them in life – and bring them finally to eternal glory.

Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God for the sins of men. He still cares for that mighty work which He undertook when He was born. He is the same as He was when He walked the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

He pardoned Saul the Pharisee, and sends him forth to preach the faith he has once destroyed. He is the same as He was when He received Mary Magdelene – called Matthew the publican – brought Zachaeus down from the tree. He is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Surely I have a right to say that anyone may be saved, since Jesus lives.
“Come unto Me, all ye that labour and heavy burden, and I will give you rest” says the Saviour, “He that believeth on Him is not condemned”. “Everyone which seek the son, and believed on Him may have everlasting life”.

To be saved is to be delivered in the present life of sin, by faith in Jesus Christ. It is to be pardoned, justified and freed from every charge of sin, by faith in Christ blood and mediation. Whosoever believes in Jesus Christ with his heart is a saved soul. He shall not perish, he shall have eternal life. This is the first part of the salvation but this is not all.

Secondary, is to be delivered in this present life from the power of sin, being born again. To be freed from the hateful dominion of sin, by having a new nature put in us by Holy Ghost. Whosoever is thus renewed is a saved soul. He shall enter into the glorious Kingdom of God. This is not all.

To be delivered in the days of judgment, to be declared blameless, faultless and complete in Christ means you are saved. To bear these comfortable words – “Come ye blessed!” while others are bearing those fearful words – “Depart ye cursed!”

To be owned and confessed by Christ, as one of His dear children and servants. It is to receive the reward prepared for the righteous, in the day of Christ’s second coming. This is complete salvation. This is “redemption” for which true Christians are bid to look and long.

Faith is the only thing required in order that you and I may have our sins forgiven. By faith we come to Jesus as sinners with our sins, - trust in Him, - rest on Him, - lean on Him, - confide on Him, - commit our souls to Him, - and forsaking all other hope, cleave only to Him,- this is all and everything that God ask for. Let a man only do this, and he shall be saved. His iniquities shall be found completely pardoned, an his transgressions – entirely taken away.