You Are Delivered From The Devil

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 , , , 0 Comments

13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.

Many people are afraid of the devil. As believers we have no need to be afraid of the devil, although we should be aware and on guard against his schemes.

The only true power the devil holds over a believer now is the power of deception. If you do not know the truth the devil will take advantage of you. The only way to know the truth is to read, understand, and act on the Scriptures.

To illustrate, imagine entering the hospital room of patient paralyzed from their neck down. All they can do is talk. They pose no threat to you, unless they convince you to take the gun from beside the bed and shoot yourself with it.
(How could they do that? One way would be to convince you that the gun was not real or not loaded, so it wouldn't harm you.)

You may think this is ridiculous, but it happens constantly with people who do not realize that the words they speak are powerful, and that the ideas they speak originate with the devil. Every day the devil convinces millions of people to take a spiritual "weapon" -- their words -- and use it against themselves.

The devil operates against you through fear and ignorance. God's Word gives you the information that will set you free from both fear and ignorance.

14 Since then the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil;
15 and might deliver those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.

MARK 16:17 NKJ
17 "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; for believers to cast out demons, it means they must have authority over the devil and his forces. However, unused authority conveys no benefit.

SAY THIS: Jesus is my lord, and the devil has no owner over me.
I have been delivered from the devil's authority. I am free, so leave me alone, devil!