Jesus Perfectly Pleased The Father

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 , , 0 Comments

God not only approved of everything Jesus did -- He was very pleased with everything Jesus did.

29 "And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him."

Why is it important for us to look at this?

Many people are unclear what God's will is in many areas. There is much confusion over what many call "acts of God" which bring destruction. But if we understand that Jesus always did God's will perfectly, and that God was thrilled with everything Jesus did, then we can examine what Jesus did and see what God's will is.

Did Jesus ever make anyone sick -- even to teach them something? Did Jesus ever tell anyone it was not the will of God for them to be healed? Did Jesus ever tell anyone that God would not love them and help them? Did Jesus ever destroy anyone's property or steal it from them? Did Jesus ever kill anyone's family member?

No. Never. Jesus did what was pleasing to God. Those things are still not pleasing to God, and He should not be blamed for them.

Is God pleased when people are helped? Is God pleased when people are healed and delivered from bondage? Is God pleased when people's needs are met? Is God pleased when people have their sins forgiven? Is God pleased when people know that God loves them?

Yes. Those are the things Jesus did, and He perfectly pleased God.