How High Are The Heavens Above The Earth?

Monday, February 28, 2011 , , 0 Comments

PSALM 103:11 NIV
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;

If you understood how much God loves you -- your life would be different.

Fear and worry would have no power over you any longer. Fear has no torment for someone basking in the sunlight of Almighty God's love.

This passage in Psalm 103 attempts to picture the size or extent of God's love. It is not portrayed as simply big as the highest mountain. No, no -- far more. As high as the sky is above the earth. That is the picture God wants you to see when you think of how great His love is for YOU.

How do I know this? Just from what the Bible says. And from what God did in and through Jesus Christ to redeem you. He paid a mighty price for you -- because His love for you is so great.

But, you may ask, "Why is my life going so poorly if God really does love me so much?" That is a valid question, but not the same one as whether God loves you. The quick answer is that God has made provision for us -- but most of us are not taking advantage of the help He offers.

Put another way, we are not acting on God's instructions -- whether out of ignorance or for some other reason. When you don't follow a proven recipe you cannot expect a good outcome.

God has no desire to condemn us for our failure, but instead desires to invite us into His fellowship and His way of doing things. It is through His Word that this will happen in our lives. So, read the Bible to see how much God loves you, but also remember that it is because of His great love for you that He gave you the instructions found in the Bible. They are for your benefit -- not God's benefit.